Because the Bunnies wife Annie used to have a big sister they were compelled to come to the HFX Tire & Oil charity motorcycle show this year because this amazing event is an annual fundraiser for Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Halifax.

See for a complete list of promotional event services. Event TV Services

The Bunny went wild and purchased $500 in raffle tickets and any prizes these tickets won, was given to someone else at the event. Frankie Hollywood was right, it was wild and greatly appreciated where all the money raised goes to this great cause.

Watch this event online, here @

Partnering with with provides many customizable promotional hybrid event services with production costs being covered by 3rd party event sponsorships and website advertising. understands that most community festivals are run by volunteers which is why we defer production costs to sponsors and advertisers who understand the benefits of successful community events.

It's a great option for community events from all around Nova Scotia. Event Segments

New Years Eve at Glow Halifax 2024

It was my first time at the Glow Gardens Halifax and it did not disappoint. This year’s “Jolly Jumble” theme featured Santa’s elves having a decorating disaster. They need your […]


Local police officers and children partner for 20th annual CopShop presented by the Halifax Shopping Centre and Halifax Regional Police took place on Wednesday, December 4 at 11 a.m. For this […]

Trees of Joy Halifax

The Halifax Marriott hosted the first ever Trees of Joy event in Nova Scotia on December 2nd and Megan Stovall, CEO of Make-A-Wish Canada was there.  This event was presented […]

Ride Bunny Ride, and don’t stop being amazing.

By Brian