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The 1st annual East Coast Ukrainian Festival was a tremendous success and proved to be a great way for Nova Scotians to experience a taste of Ukrainian culture through food, crafts and a variety of performances even after being postponed for a week by tropical storm Lee.

There was no entry fee for this festival which was organized by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Nova Scotia Branch and a group of very dedicated volunteers. 

The festival was held at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 on the Halifax waterfront.

The festival website provided options for preordering Pierogies,  included a take out menu and and instructions on how to make a donation. 

NSLive.tv Host Brian Sea was there to bring you some of the highlights of this event as a free to watch community TV segment that was donated to the festival by Wild Lupin Media.

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This has been a promotional community event segment donated by Wild Lupin Media and presented to you for free viewing on NSLive.tv.

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Enjoy our free coverage of the first annual East Coast Ukrainian Festival on NSLive.tv

By Brian