NSLive.tv Home

Online community TV for Nova Scotia

NSLive.tv is your channel.

Our goal is to provide Nova Scotia with a beneficial community media service that produces shows and covers events that can be watched online. 

This type of beneficial channel requires the participation and support of our fellow Nova Scotians and is designed to feature many of the interesting and amazing people and places that can be found in our great province.

Sound like tourism? It certainly can be used for this purpose when we feature the following…

  • Interesting and talented Nova Scotians
  • Interesting places and communities
  • Festivals and celebrations
  • Unique and creative businesses
  • Shows that feature places to visit in NS.

We seek collaborations and partnerships with creators and sponsors to help NSLive.tv become a central resource for all things Nova Scotia reducing some of the online clutter. 

NSLive.tv is a community supportive channel that needs your support and funding to operate.

Community TV  in Nova Scotia has not come close to reaching it' full potential and needs to be FREE to watch and EASY to ACCESS without the need for leaving personal information, making payments or requiring a subscription.

Let's make it real

We want to share your talents! 🤗

Talk about potential, with dozens of local content creators currently struggling to get recognized with their own channels, we welcome collaborations with NSLive.tv for greater reach. We are stronger together. 🤝

Or join us on the Nova Scotiable Show to let our viewers know about your channels activities and future plans.

Don't have a channel?

Nova Scotians who want to contribute and don’t have a channel, are welcome to partner and collaborate with NSLive.tv to develop or host a show.

Community TV is far from reaching it's potential here in Nova Scotia and it never will without the participation, involvement and support of the community it serves.


Consider Partnering with NSLive.tv for maximum exposure and growth.

With easily shared posts that are a part of our social media reach campaign, we have access to a vast audience that wouldn't otherwise attend your event.

This opens the door to many more promotional opportunities that didn't exist prior to our involvement. Combine this with your own efforts and the results are tremendous.

Draw in more participants! This has been known to happen when it is made know that the event will be broadcast and give them far more exposure for their efforts.

Imagine using your existing email, website, and social media to distribute these promotional productions far and wide, easily online.

Cost effective, community Supportive advertising

With NSLive.tv provides an accessible central hub for all things Nova Scotian, your support, advertising and sponsorships will go a long way allowing us to bring Nova Scotia to the world all while providing long lasting promotional media.

Be a local hero with community supportive advertising and sponsor an event, show, community correspondent or charity fundraiser.

Be a part of the excitement

Community Correspondents and Volunteers are the back bone of any community TV channel and if you enjoy video production or have a smart phone you can help us so we can help everyone.

If you're interested, send us a message.