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The conversation starts with each of us. In this episode of Parent Chats Ken speaks with mental illness advocate and speaker Sarah Parker.  

Sarah herself is overcoming her battle with mental illness and is using her experiences and knowledge in very positive way, designed to help others in similar circumstances. 

Watch this important episode here.

For more information about Sarah and an extensive list of helpful resources visit Sarah’s website.

We want to echo what Ken says about this being such an important topic that we should all talk about so please share this episode. You may never know who you help.

If you have any suggestions for Ken regarding what you would like to see on the show, please email him.

Parent Chats Episodes

Parent Chats on Remembrance Day

Ken talks to a 36 year retired Navy veteran on the importance and significance of Remembrance Day here in Canada.

In this episode of Parent Chats Ken speaks with mental illness advocate and speaker Sarah Parker.