The Halifax Marriott hosted the first ever Trees of Joy event in Nova Scotia on December 2nd and Megan Stovall, CEO of Make-A-Wish Canada was there. 

This event was presented by CN and is a heartwarming and magical event that brings together compassionate corporate donors, with wish kids and their families, to make more wishes come true.

Trees of Joy creates a sense of community, inspires corporate social responsibility, spreads hope and joy during the holiday season, and most importantly, helps grant future wishes to children with critical illnesses. 

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Lexi talks to Nathan Salmon of Rexel Atlantic about their sponsorship of this years Trees of Joy event and the donations that far exceeded their expectations.

In this segment MBS Radio personality Lexi talks to Meaghan Stovel McKnight, MBA, CFRE Chief Executive Officer, Make-A-Wish Canada about the first ever Trees of Joy event that was held in Nova Scotia at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel on Dec 2nd, 2024.

The discussion covered this initiative that connects wish children with corporate sponsors.

The local enthusiasm and generosity creates joy for families with the help of Make-A-Wish who focuses on supporting children with critical illnesses.

Make a Wish recipient and hospital fundraiser organizer Canon Beazley talks to the amazing Lexi about his battle with cancer and his motivations for creating the scary “House of Doom” fundraiser for the IWK Health Centre.

Watch the House of Doom segment online.

Lexi has a heart felt talk with Amy & Ian MacInnis who started the Sophia Smiles Paediatric Cancer Foundation after loosing their young daughter Sophia to the disease and who was honored at this years Trees of Joy event as a previous “Make A Wish” recipient.