Free community content requires the support of the community. Help support our efforts to bring Nova Scotia to the world. ❤️

Broadcasting Nova Scotia to the world

This is an important job that we don't take lightly. In order to present Nova Scotia in the best light possible (pun not intended), we elicit the help of professional N.S. production company Wild Lupin Media for the past 8 years. 

These fine people have donated their time effort and equipment to help make possible and it's productions great. We feel that they deserve to get paid for their hard work like all of us do.

Like most public TV stations also requires funding to operate. Once fully funded will employ over 40+ talented Nova Scotian's who will produce amazing local content that is interesting to locals any one who wants to watch around the world.

WGBH in Boston is a PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) is a perfect example of what can be achieved with both public donations and corporate sponsorships are provided allowing them to produce a variety of TV shows, the only difference is we publish our shows about Nova Scotia online. #nstourism

Public Funding Options

Community event segments can also be supported by public donations.

We love our coffee and now offer the ability for you to help keep the crew caffeine fueled by using the funding app known as “Buy me a Coffee“.

For more significant donations from our viewers, we have setup a gofundme campaign to make donating safe and easy.

You can make a general donation to support our efforts or you can specify which show you would like to apply your funding to.

Corporate Sponsorships.

“Community Supportive Advertising” is what comes about when when a business covers the cost of community TV coverage of events or shows with a local focus.

Sponsors get their moneys worth and feel good about their support. Depending on the type of sponsorship, most will receive frequent verbal and graphical mention during the production, and website and social media connector links in every post and on our website event page.

No one enjoys commercials during their show so we try to avoid them but have to still offer this option to sponsors who require this type of promotion.

Of course there are the promotional benefits to the community, participants and the event itself that come from the online segments that we produce. Certain shows are designed to feature businesses like restaurants, wineries and breweries. creating a readily available public interest / tourism piece.

Add a social media marketing campaign to media that is shareable to virtually all social media platforms, the potential for reaching far greater audiences than ever before is quite possible.

Contact Us to see how you can be a production sponsor.

Something new, something borrowed.

As much as we would like to take credit for developing a new monetization system for online media, is designed to utilize the tried and true method that most, if not all traditional broadcasters use.

We do however, have a more flexible options available to us that they can't utilize, but these will only come in to play once we are able to produce regular content and have tens of thousands of viewers.

The costs involved with producing and broadcasting TV productions can be covered by public donations, advertising and sponsorships and help us bring you local productions that focus on Nova Scotia.

Let us know if you would like to contribute.


Streaming platforms such as Netflix® and Disney® have monthly membership fees, something we want to avoid where our goal is to provide free and accessable community based shows to the viewing public which makes a true community TV channel unlike any other.

Contact us see how we can put your sponsorship dollars to good use bringing NS to the world.