Did you know that the SS Atlantic was the largest shipwreck in Nova Scotia history, and the second biggest in Canadian history, and the largest marine disaster in the North Atlantic before the Titanic?

2023 marks the 150th anniversary of the sinking, and the SS Atlantic Society and the local community have come together, holding a commemoration event at the Whites Lake Legion.

Brian C. an NSLive.tv community correspondent was there and brought you this report with the highlights of the day's activities.

The S.S. Atlantic Society is run by a board of local residents and holds a commemorative service every year and maintains the SS Atlantic Heritage Park.

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This has been a promotional community event segment donated by Wild Lupin Media and presented to you for free viewing on NSLive.tv.

This production was sponsored by: Wild Lupin Media

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Community Correspondent Brian C. reports on the S.S. Atlantic 150 Commemoration Event. A free community TV event segment.