Our first virtual “Who’s Wineing” Episode.

Are you an amature Nova Scotian wine connoisseur and like to talk about it? You would make the perfect host for this show.

Just message or Email me at info@nslive.tv and we can talk about it. If I can do it… you can do it.

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[countdown date=2021/06/04-14:00:00] Just [timer] until air time. [/countdown]

Our first show will feature the LüVO Sparling Rosé and is sold in an individual size can.

Ever wonder who is producing wine and spirits in Nova Scotia? Over our travels we have gotten to know a few of them and feel more people should know what is out there and the details of how it's made.

This show goes LIVE to facebook with community participation on the show though ZOOM®. 

ZOOM Link | Meeting ID: 946 9804 6170 | Passcode: 323344

Alternating Friday evenings with the “Behind the Beer” show, Who's Wineing is a grape alternative for you wine lovers out there.

The show will be available to watch here once it starts. 

All natural, gluten-free and vegan friendly, these wines are artfully created with locally grown Nova Scotia grapes by our crafty and skillful team of grape growers and winemakers.


Due to a technical glitch that I didn't notice, my microphone was not turned on for the livestream feed, it was fine for Zoom but did not go out live. My apologiezes to LüVO LIFE and the participatns for this mistake and we will revisit them on another episode in the near future.

Thank you for your understanding. Brian C. 


Watch the show here when it goes LIVE!

Who’s Wineing Nova Scotia – LIVE Community sip, taste and chat show.
Only on NSLive.tv